About sacred places in our planet

To celebrate at highly energetic sacred places

On our beautiful blue planet,  it may be unique in the Cosmos, there  are places remaining,  since the beginning of time,  which are real jewels of vibration , generators of energy and gateways  open to the Cosmos.

These sacred places are shelters to temples , chapels, cathedrals, ancient trees , menhirs and dolmens , caves , ruins , fountains, springs, Nature Spirits ( fairies, mermaids , gnomes, ... )

They have been  honored by celebrating rituals to bless , regenerate , energize, heal, transform and thank Mother Earth , with offerings .

Many of them  are still active and have kept the authenticity of ancient wisdom , others have been forgotten or buried , and others have become fence in  museums ...

But I also want to give you ideas of other simpler places such as generators of welfare , peace and instant healing : the surroundings of a torrent , the beauty of a forest glade , the top of a cliff overlooking the ocean,  of a mountain, a volcanic lake ... in listening to your intuition and when you are a passionate lover of Mother Nature, everything is offered to you at the right time .

So as a celebrant , I suggest you consider an essential way to celebrate your wedding in such sacred places, close to you or close to your dreams , combining travel and ceremony.

I list these magical places and I would be very happy to receive any ideas from anyone

Sacred places in France :

  • Mont St Michel ( photo)
  • the Sainte Baume forest
  • the “Brocéliande”  Forest in Britanny
  • Mount Bugarach in the South of France ...

Sacred places in the World :

  • Mount Albert in Quebec
  • the Grand Canyon in the USA
  • Lake Titicaca in Perou
  • the pyramids in Egypt
  • the Kilimanjaro in Tanzania
  • Mount Ararat in Turkey
  • the Gobi Desert in China
  • the Himalayan mountain chain in 5 countries ...



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Celebrant Agathia

Brittany FRANCE 

Celebrating in French – English - Italian



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