Pagan rituals for each stage of Life
Many transformations happen during an existence through various individual steps. These essential moments require to move in your inner being and within the Society.
Pagan rituals :
which are spiritual and initiatory for the most , were intended  to  guide and help you  to pass these stages, considered as a succession of births and deaths.
They had a vital role to give direction to these profound changes and allow the individual to identify , recognize , to be recognized by the community and the family.
They mobilized a set of practices to live, to feel emotionally.
They created sacred orders in the chaos of events  and solved tensions and conflicts.
( associated with the Spring ) : the child was presented and recognized by his fellow humans as a new Being in mission on planet Earth Read the baptism ceremony proposed by Agathia
 (associated withth  Summer ) : the individual became aware of his responsibilities, becoming autonomous , passed from the carefree fun of childhood to the reality, could comitt  and become a parent
(associated with the Fall ) :  at this stage,  we celebrated the experience , the maturity, it was no more time  to show and practice but only to "be" and your turn to transmit , and  detach to everything
 ( associated with the Winter) : the rite accompanied the deceased in the Beyond and in a new state with peace and serenity, paid tribute to his memory and assisted living to mourn .
Read the funeral ceremony proposed by Agathia
All these rites need to be understood and practiced again , to reclaim the Sens,  re-register in a right relationship with yourself and with others, and bring concrete answers to the "Wandering" of  our "modern" world .