Decoration of the ceremony with the 4 elements

Element 1 - The Earth

Symbolism in the wedding ceremony: home, foundation, family, wealth

Colours :

  • Red, browns, oranges like ocher, dark fir tree green, copper, antique gold

Vegetation :

  • All trees and shrubs, which grow close to the ground like moss, lichen, grass, pumpkins, leaves covering the ground, dry plants (horsetail, thyme, rosemary), roots, spices, tobacco , mushrooms, citrus and apples, hazelnuts, walnuts, ..
  • Everything in its wild, original form

Perfume :

  • Essential oils: cypress, yew, mandrake, pine
  • Plants with earthy smells, patchouli and vetiver, aromatic plants and winter spices

Objects and materials :

  • Compact land or powder, ash, sand, spices, seeds, fruits
  • Wood under all its forms: cut in log form, sawdust and wood chips, bark, roots
  • The real or artificial tree with paper flowers, the maypole.
  • Stones, rocks, minerals, gems
  • Brass, iron, rusty objects
  • Heavier fabrics like velvet, thick canvas, jute, hemp, flax
  • Giant doors, solid furniture

Sounds :

  • Dense music such as percussion, Native American drums, wind chime from "Pyrénées Atlantique" (emotions, purity, crystalline)

Symbols :

  • Astrological signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
  • Animals that live on the earth: horses, unicorns, cats, deer, tigers, giraffes, zebras, and underground ...: North Turtle totem animal among American Indians
  • Earth-related trades such as: the farmer, the lumberjack.


  • Gaia is the personification of the earth, our original mother who put us in the world and feeds us
  • Demeter (Greek) - Goddess of the Harvest
  • Taweret (Egyptian) - Goddess of Fertility
  • Geb (Egyptian) - Goddess of the Earth

Nature Spirits

  • Gnomes, goblins (you know the ones like in Snow White!) Hardworking and protective of the earth and its riches

Element 2 - The WATER

Symbolism in the wedding ceremony: the joy and pleasure, honor, bless, expansion,

Colours :

  • All blues and greens, shades around white. Transparent and translucent colors.

Vegetation :

  • The weeping willow, aquatic plants like water lilies, algae, reeds, papyrus, the sea anemone ...
  • Perfume: sea, oceans, fruity scents

Objects and Materials :

  • Fish, starfish, shells, coral, ships, tracing paper, floating candles, fountains, waterfalls, rain sequins, mirror.
  • Transparent containers for liquids: bottles, carafes, glasses, vases, chalices ... and all kinds of liquids: water, milk, juice
  • Objects related to the bathroom: enamelled or zinc bedpans, soap ...
  • Succulent, pleasurable fruits: rite of the melon
  • Waving cloths, air, cotton sails, chiffon, silk and tulle ...

Sounds :

  • Resounding musical instruments: bells, cymbals, triangle.  Crystal bowls. the Hapi Drum Chinese: soft, deep sound. The sea drum- The sound of boat horns. Sounds of waves, rivers, waterfalls, rain

Symbols :

  • Astrological signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Animals that live in the water: the fish, dolphins, octopi, swans and the frog totem animal of the East among American Indians
  • Trades such as: the fisherman, sailor.


  • Poseidon / Neptune / Venus
  • Dinha (Celtic) - Deity of Rain and Fertility
  • Tefnut (Egyptian) - Goddess of Moisture and Dew.
  • Dodola (slave) - Goddess of Rain

Nature Spirits :

  • Mermaids in long golden hair, nymphs, seamaids that inspire beauty, sensuality,

Element 3 - The AIR

Symbolism in the wedding ceremony: sharing, space to another

Colours :

  • All very clear colors, pastel: blue, pink, green, yellow ...

Vegetation :

  • Flowering tiny flowers, fragile and very fragrant branches.

Perfumes :

  • Aromatic plants such as lavender, mint. Incense, essential oil diffusers, scented candles, perfume of the bride

Objects and Materials :

  • Feathers, cotton, silk paper, Chinese lanterns, soap bubbles, magic wands, weathervanes, balloons filled with helium, flags, fan, hot air balloons, airplanes, kites ...
  • Ribbons flying in the wind, waving cloths, air, cotton, silk or tulle ...

Sounds :

  • Music by the wind instruments (harp, flute, oboe, triangle,.) - Tibetan bowls : vibration, meditation, relaxing (from Asia) - Native American flutes (Kanu - Nerva) of South America - Songs (sacred, lyrics)  - Poems 

Symbols :

  • Astrological signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
  • Birds and flying insects like the dove, butterfly, dragonfly, spider, bee, animal butterfly South Totem among American Indians
  • The sky, the universe, wind, breathing, hearing, smell.
  • Trades such as the aviator, javelin thrower, the glassblower


  • Ether (Greek) - God of the Atmosphere
  • Uranus (Roman) - God of Heaven
  • Uranus (Greek) - God of Heaven
  • Nout (Egypt) - God of Heaven
  • Kolyada (slave) - Goddess of the Sky, Overseer of the Sunrise.

Nature Spirits :

  • Sylphs, the muses who inspire us, those who teach birds to sing, talk to the trees, draw clouds

Element 4 - The Fire

Symbolism in the wedding ceremony: passion, feelings, fire

Colours :

  • All warm colors: red, orange, ocher, yellow, purple

Vegetation :

  • Plants with thorns, like thistle and cactus, peppers and chilies, poppy, stimulants like coffee, big red exotic flowers with thick stems and geometric shapes ... cinnamon. Honey.
  • The red rose

Perfumes :

  • Wood fires, bog, scents of underbrush, incense and smoke: cedar, sage

Objects and Materials :

  • All objects that provide heat, flame, light such as: candles, torches, lanterns, cauldron, fireplaces ...
  • Iron, metals, gold. Velvet or silk
  • The book of commitment - Icons - Images of deities of love
  • The altar: a covered table, a cart, a barrel, a trunk.

Sounds :

  • Powerful music like drums, gong (powerful), Hapi Drum Chinese : soft and deep.  ... strong deep voices, laughter. Foley fire crackling   

Symbols :

  • Astrological signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
  • Animals like snake, lizard, scorpion, dragon. The Western totem animal hawk among American Indians
  • The sun, steam engines, smoke, the volcano.
  • Occupations such as: blacksmith, alchemist


  • Hephaestus (Greek) - God of fire, forges, metallurgy and volcanoes
  • Belisama (Celtic) - Goddess of the hearth and craft of metal and glass
  • Krsnik (slave) - God of fire.

Nature Spirits :

  • Salamanders that extinguish the fire of anger and kindle the fire of passion

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Celebrant Agathia

Brittany FRANCE 

Celebrating in French – English - Italian



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